HDP deputy Gülüm asks Justice Minister about journalist Ataman 2019-08-03 13:26:03 NEWS DESK - Ataman has problems with his stomach and intestines. His problems worsened after the hunger strike he joined demanding the end of isolation against Abdullah Ocalan. HDP Istanbul MP Züleyha Gülüm submitted a Parliamentary question about journalist Ziya Ataman to the Assembly and asked the Minister of Justice Abdülhamit Gül to answer.   Gülüm asked Minister Gül about the health status of journalist Ziya Ataman, who has been in prison for over three years.   Reminding the Minister that the  Dicle News Agency (DIHA) journalist was arrested on 11 April 2016 in Van, Gülüm expressed her concerns over Ataman deteriorating health condition.   Ataman has problems with his stomach and intestines. His problems worsened after the hunger strike he joined demanding the end of isolation against Abdullah Ocalan.   The MP has also added that Ataman was referred to the infirmary two and a half month after his doctor's application for a serious problem with his intestine.