The officers who come to seal the construction are not allowed in METU 2019-07-08 12:18:12   ANKARA - While the tree cutting continues in the area given to KYK for 49 years in Middle East Technical University (ODTU), the Çankaya Municipality police officers who come to seal the construction on the grounds that the construction is unlicensed are not allowed in ODTU by the police.     The ODTU students who have been waiting a watch for 55 days in order to prevent the trees from being cut for the KYK Dormitory have been forcefully removed from the area by the police and the Çankaya Municipality officers who came to seal the unlicenced construction were not allowed through the ODTU gates.     While the municipality employees were not allowed in from the 100th Year Gate, a group of MP's went to the door. President of Ankara Chamber of Architects Tezcan Karakuş Candan, who gave information about the issue, reminded that the municipality has the authority to seal the area within the municipality borders that is being built without a license. Candan who confirmed that the municipality employees are not allowed in the campus, said: "They don't have a licence. And they can not have a licence since it is not possible to obtain a licence in that area. We are waiting. The barricades are standing. The students are waiting shouting slogans."     Murat Çepni, HDP Co-Vice-President for Ecology added that the press is not allowed in the campus as well.     'A STUDENT WAS DETAINED'   The police intervened to the ODTU students' attempt to demolish the blockade with slogans. The police who battered the students during the intervention, took one student under custody."   'OUR STRUGGLE WILL CONTINUE'   The students made a written statement about the police intervention. Students stating that their resistance will continue, stated that the KYK dormitory construction is a political attack to ODTU  as well as an ecological massecre with an aim to bring ODTU to its knees. The students wrote: "During the planning period, no METU student, laborer or instructor had any information about the KYK construction. Verşan Kök, a reflection of the one man system  has signed a protocol without informing anyone and has made a present the land of METU for 49 years.     ODTU RESISTANCE WILL GROW AGAINST THE ATTACKS     They destroyed thousands of lives, attacked our trees, but we will not them build this dormitory.We have seen this before in the history of ODTU. Hasan Tan a pawn of the government tried to put fascist workers in to demolish ODTU from inside. AKP is now doing the same thing in agreement with Verşan Kök.The people responsible for this massacre are Verşan Kök, the METU administration and AKP, who wants to demolish the METU castle which is still intimidating for them. The dormitory is a Trojan Horse planned to demolish METU from the inside. We know that in these dormitories, the AKP will try to impose its own ideology on ODTU. However, history has also shown that ODTU did not lose its tradiion of resistance against the attacks. Our resistance will grow against all attacks.     The resistance tradition of ODTU lives in the Kavaklık resistance area for the last 55 days. We are addressing to Verşan Kök and those who he serves as an orderly.You have battered our friends, pepper sprayed them but you should all know, when the 55th day of resistance ends, the 56th day starts!"