Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan Vigil reached week 367 2019-07-02 12:46:59   STRASBURG - The Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan Vigil has reached week 367 and was taken over by members of the People's Assembly in Mannheim.     The Vigil demanding freedom for PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan was launched in the French city of Strasbourg on 25 June 2012. Since then, the action has been carried out every week by a different group of Kurdish activists coming from all over Europe.    Last week, to coincide with the anniversary of the Vigil, the action was taken over by representatives of dozens of Kurdish institutions in Europe and four Kurdish activists from the Netherlands.   On week 367 the Vigil has been taken over by Halis Doğan, Mahmut Yücel, Şaban Aktaş, Aziz Aktaş and Ahmet Aktaş from Mannheim city of Germany.   The statement issued by the group emphasized that it is the duty of all Kurds to demand freedom of the PKK Leader.   The statement added that the Vigil action should be claimed by all the institutions, especially the people's assemblies. "This Vigil for the Leader is a very honorable action for both Kurds and humanity ”.   The statement continued: "All the patriots must take responsibility to ensure the action to be strong.”   The Freedom for Öcalan Vigil has been joined by more than 2,000 people so far. The Vigil is held seven days a week from morning to evening every day for the past seven years. Activists inform passers by about the hunger strike resistance, Öcalan and the Vigil itself.