AYM President Arslan: It cannot be a crime that Kavala join and support Gezi Protests 2019-06-28 14:05:05   NEWS DESK - Zühtü Arslan, President of the Constitutional Court (AYM), said:" It does not show that he committed a crime because he joined and supported the Gezi Park Protests" for businessman Osman Kavala who is being accused of financing the protests.     Constitutional Court (AYM) General Assembly announced the reason for their decision of refusal regarding the personal application of the Chairman of the Board of Anadolu Culture A.Ş Osman Kavala.  One of the five members who opposed the decision appeared to be the President of the Constitutional Court Zühtü Arslan. President Arslan and two deputy chairmen openly criticized the indictment on the grounds of opposing votes.     Zühtü Arslan argued that "the fact that Kavala participated in and supported the Gezi events would not indicate that he had committed a crime alone".     AYM President Arslan, drawing attention to the fact that Gezi Park Protests are being interpreted in two different ways, said: "Some of them described the protests as environmental protests that started with environmental sensitivity and then turned into mass criticism in many areas, while a section of the society supported an internationally supported protest against the government.  It is not the duty of the Constitutional Court to accept one of these qualifications."