A tale of freedom coming from the streets of Sur: Zülküf Gezen 2019-06-20 11:04:05   DİYARBAKIR- Zülküf Gezen who ended his life to protest the isolation in İmralı was  born into the struggle in the historic streets of Sur, but his dream to be a music teacher could not come true. Mother Havva Gezen who stated that her son ended his life for the freedom of the Kurdish people, said 'We should not forget them'.     The hunger strike initiated by the Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair and People's Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari MP Leyla Güven , was called of on its 200th day with the message of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan who spoke to hşs attorneys.7 people ended their lives in protest while the hunger strikes were continuing.     GREW UP IN THE HISTORIC STREETS OF SUR     The first prisoners to end their live was Zülküf Gezen , from Tekirdağ No 2 Type F Closed Prison. Gezen story who ended his life on March 17, starts in Sur.   Gezen was born in August 28, 1987 in Sur, Fatihpaşa. and lived there since the day he was arrested. Gezen who passed so much time by the side of the Tigris River to catch fish, started and graduated from school in Sur.     Gezen who started working at a pharmacy to help his family get by, gets involved with music at that time and dreams of being a music teacher. He could not make that happen but he started playing guitar and saz.   Gezen later joins the youth assembly and took place in very important work organizing the youth. Gezen attended the protests that 14 people were killed on March 28, 2006. Gezen who was arrested twice 2005 and 2007, was in prison for 40 days each time.   SENTENCED TO 106 YEARS     Gezen was sentenced to a total of 109 years and 6 months with the accusation that he was involved in an attack where a police lost his life and 6 people 2 of which are police officers, were injured.     Mother Havva Fezen and father Şehmuz Gezen told about Gezen by the side of his gravestone in Diyarbakır, Bağlar. Mother Gezen who said 'he was my lovely child', continued: "He was my precious. He valued people, friends.. He could not tolerate unfairness. He shared every thing he had with his friends. I was not able to spend a lot of time with him except for his childhood."   Mother Gezen who said Zülküf was doing researches about the history of the Kurdish people, said he was always critisizing his friends not doing researches.   Mother Gezen who stated that he was in the prison in his last 12 years, said she too was at the prison gates waiting for the last 12 years. Gezen said: "I am a mother,I am proud of him. A mother can not tolerate any harm coming to their children. It is too hard for a mother but we are proud of him."   I COULD NOT UNDERSTAND HE WAS SAYING FAREWELL     Mother Gezen who told about his last phone call with his son, said: "I could not ask him if he joined the hunger strike. I did not have the heart to ask. He called me 'mom', the last time we spoke he said 'Dayé',  ‘Dayê ez qurbana dayika xwe me'.(I'd give my life for you). I told him that I would give my life for him. I could not understand he was saying farewell."     Mother Gezen who stated that his son ended his life for the freedom of the Kurdish people, said: "Our children ended their lives for their people, for their leader,the Kurdish community must claim this resistance and never forget them."   FATHER GEZEN: HE GAVE US STRENGTH   Father Gezen said: "After he was imprisoned, when we visited him, I could not stop crying. He reassured me, said 'he has friends who dont even have a grave but he is still there. He was so devoted to his people, he gave us strength.   Father Gezen who stated that the only dream of his son was freedom, said: "My condolences to Mr. Abdullah Öcalan and the Kurdish community. We will be fighting Zülküf's fight and raise his struggle."