What's happening in Xakurké where a cross border operation is being carried out? 2019-06-04 11:32:48 DUHOK - While many soldiars reported to be killed during the military operation of Turkey to Xakurké, located in Federal Kurdistan District, people living in the distrcit is reacting to KDP acting in unison with MIT. The cross border operation Turkey launched against Bradost in Federal Kurdistan District last year, have been was expanded to include the Xakurkê on May 27. Turkey launching attacks with helicopters and war planes to Şekif Mountain and Lêlîkan Hills within the scope of the opeation while they are trying to land soldiars to Çiyayê Lelikan, Ziraran, Kiwert, Şakiv, Gura Seva, Awdel Guvî districts, HPG is reported to prevent these attempts. The people of the villages Buzene, Xelifan, Siran said they are udner the danger of immigration because of the Turkish Military trying to evacuate their villages. Entrance and exit to those villages are currently banned.    XELİFAN VILLAGE IS RAKED   Buzene and Xelifan villages are first bombed by the war planes, then soldiars were landed to the area. While many soldiars were injured in the clashes, no informationw as reached about those who lost their lives. 4 villagers who were grazing their animals were injured when the helicopters failed at picking the soldiars and decided to rake the village instead. Many animals were killed during the rake.   PESHMERGA IS AFRAID OF A SECOND şILEDİZE INCIDENT   When Nechirvan Barzani took office as the president of Federal Kurdistan Region, many KDP peshmerga forces were transferred to Bradost region. While the region was being transformed into a military field, KDP intelligence Parastin and Turkish intelligence MIT members were trying calm the people of the region who had reacted to this situation under the protection of the Peshmerga and tried to prevent a second Şileize incident. The people of the region organized a march against the military base of the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) close to the town of Şile in the district of Amed, Duhok have entered the based and set it on fire. Although the MIT and the KDP have been detaining and threatening a large number of people on the grounds that they have encouraged the people to rebel, the reaction of the people has not been relieved and it is reported that these reactions continued in the last Xakurkê attack.   ARE MİROĞLU AND ENSARİOĞLU FROM AKP IN DUHOK?   There is a heavy traffic in Hewlêr, Duhok and Amediye districts. It was claimed that both the KDP and AKP rulers flocked to the region in order to ease the reaction of the people. Orhan Miroğlu and Garip Ensarioğlu who came to Hewlêr to celebrate Neçirvan Barzani were allegedly coming to Duhok and trying to meet with the elders. .   ONLY AA, A NEWS AND RUDOW IS FOLLOWING UP ON IT   With the transfer of the peshmerga forces to the region, many press members flocked to the region. Particularly in areas where troops and peshmergas are located, only AA, a Haber and Rûdaw are allowed. All of the news in the region are distributed by these three broadcasters.   'WE WON'T ALLOW BIRAKUJİ'   The people of the region who responded to the press following the operation stated that they did not report the facts in the region and that the main stream media manipulated the situation by publishing false news. Citizens, who expressed that Turkey is trying to attract the KDP to a new Birakujî movement, noted that the KDP and the YNK should not be fooled by it. Local people reacted saying: "We will not allow a birakuji event,"   While Turkey is said to have needed such an operation because of the economic, political and social crisis it is in, and to collect vote for İstanbul re-election, a Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) military official in Bamerni Base said to have said that this operation was done in a hurry, that the land operation is hard because of the field conditions and the military forces are not permanent in the area' , to calm the residents of the district down. The same militaryo official said to have said: "Turkey have launched this operation when Iran allowed USA for such an operation, seeing this as an opportunity."