İmir: Those who insist on the truth have won 2019-05-28 11:27:15   ŞIRNAK - HDP Şırnak MP Nuran İmir, elder sister of Ramazan İmir who ended his hunger strike on its 161st day in Strasbourg, said: "They once again have shown that resistance brings success. Those who insisted on the truth have won."   The hunger strikes initiated by Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair Leyla Güven demanding the removal of the continued isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan was called off the other day. Ramazan İmir who was on hunger strike with 13 people for 161 days was one of them.   İmir from HDP who is happy that thousands of people ending their hunger strikes including his brother, spoke about the aim of the action and Öcalan's message.   İmir recalling those who ended their lives during the hunger strike process, said: "This struggle was for the future of our children. Heavy prices were paid. But it ended up successfully. İmir who stated that the hunger strikers have made all limitations frustrating life meaningless, said: "Once again they put the resistance in front of us. It was not only a step for ending the isolation of Mr. Öcalan but also a step against fascism that was holding people captive."   İmir who stated that the year 2019 have been a year of resistance, said: "Those who insisted on the truth have once again succeeded.They showed that it was not important how strong those who are standing against. They broke the isolation."   İmir mentioning the message of Öcalan about "dignified peace with communal compromise, democratic politics and negotiation", recalled what happened after the solution process was interrupted after 2013-2015. İmir stating that Öcalan have been have been preserving his stance , said: "Those who wants peace must stand with Mr. Öcalan and claim his message. He is offering a new path and an opportunity.His message must be discussed in detail and steps must be taken for peace."