Prisoners in Kırıkkale vomiting blood 2019-05-19 11:02:26 MERSİN - While Davut Önder who is on hunger strike for 144 days in Kırıkkale Type F Closed Prison stated that he will continue the hunger strike even if he has a drop of blood in his veins to go on, his mother Zekiye Önder said the prisoners are vomitting blood. Davut Önder who is being kept in Kırıkkale Type F Closed Prison is on hunger strike for 144 days demanding the end of the isolation in İmralı.Önder was arrested in 2009 and was sentenced to 24.5 years and was sent to Adana Kürkçüler Type F Closed Prison.    'ALL MOTHERS SHOULD STAND UP'   Mother Zekiye Önder who is out on the streets everyday for her son and the other prisoners, saw her son on May 12 in the prison. Önder who stated that seeing her son effected her so much, stated that most of the prisoners are vomitting blood and have lost a lot of weight. Mother Önder who stated that she supports her son's resistance, said: "We stand with our children. Their demands are our demands. We want all mothers to stand up.Not just the mothers of the prisoners, all mothers."   Mother Önder who stated that her son told him "Our hunger strike will not end before the isolation is terminated. We will continue our hunger strike if there is only a drop of blood left in our veins.'Mother Önder ended her words and said: "We want the isolation to be over. We want the hunger strikes to be over. We want peace. We don't want to see more people die."