Hunger strike action of Leyla Güven on its 193rd day, death fasts are on the 20th day 2019-05-19 10:53:35 DİYARBAKIR - While Democratic Society Congress (DTK) co-chair and Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari MP Leyla Guven has reached day 193 of her hunger strike demanding the end of isolation against PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, the death fast reached 20th day. HDP member Nasır Yağız has reached day 181 of his hunger strike in Hewlêr, while 14 Kurdish activists in Strasbourg and Imam Şiş in Wales have reached day 155 of their hunger strikes. Prisoners who have gone on hunger strike on 16 December have reached day 156. The hunger strike resistance spread to all prisons on 1 March.   Fadike Tok in Maxmur Camp in Federal Kurdistan District is on her 120th day, while Herém Mahmud in Germiyan, Kelar is on the 85th day.   HDP DEPUTIES ON HUNGER STRIKE IN DIYARBAKIR DISTRICT BUILDING   HDP Diyarbakır Deputy  Dersim Dağ, and Van Deputy Tayip Temel and Murat Sarısaç have been on hunger strike in Diyarbakır Provincial Organization building since 3 March.   Sedat Akın, who went on hunger strike while in Erzincan T Type Closed Prison, was released and is continuing his hunger strike in his house in Batman. He is on the 134th day of his hunger strike. Gurbet Ektiren has been released from Bakırköy Prison and is continuing the hunger strike she began on 15 January at her house. İhsan Sinmiş (55) has been on hunger strike since 1 March in Silivri Prison and is continuing his hunger strike at his home in İstanbul,Küçükçekmece. Ferdi Karabay, who was released on 22 March from Buca Kırıklar No 1 F Type Closed Prison, continues the hunger strike at home. İsmet Yıldız who was taken under custody in HDP building because he joined the hunger strike and got arrested continues the hunger strike at home after he was released on March 29. Sevican Yaşar and Salih Tekin who were released on April 2 continues their hunger strike at home. Bilal Özgezer who was released on April 5 continues his hunger strike at home.   ENDED THEIR LIVES AGAINST ISOLATION   Uğur Şakar, who set himself on fire in front of the court in Krefeld on 20 February and lost his life in the hospital where he was treated on 22 March. Zülküf Gezen ended his life on 17 March in Tekirdağ F Type Prison No. 2, Ayten Beçet on 23 March in Gebze Women's Closed Prison, Zehra Sağlam on 24 March in Oltu T Type Closed Prison, Media Çınar 25 March in Mardin E Type Closed Prison. On March 29, Yonca Akici ended her life in Şakran Women's Prison and died in hospital on 1 April. Siraç Yüksek also protested isolation and died in Osmaniye No 2 T Type Closed Prison on 2 April while Mahsum Pamay put an end to his life on 5 April in No 1 F Type Closed Prison in Elazığ.    A STATEMENT WAS MADE ON BEHALF OF THE PRISONERS : WE WILL CONTINUE THE HUNGER STRIKES   Prisoners made a statement after the attorneys made a press conference regarding the meeting they made with PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan on May 2. In the statement where AKP- MHP alliance is practising special war tactics to continue the isolation and break the resistance, the prisoners said they will not end the hunger strike until their demand is  met.   30 PRISONERS STARTED A DEATH FAST   15 political prisoners amongst the thousands of  hunger strikers, turned their action into a death fast in İstanbul Bakırköy, Kocaeli Gebze, Van and Diyarbakır Prisons. Aslı Doğan and Ardıl Çeşme is in Gebze Women's Closed Prison; Zozan Çiçek, Şükran Aydın and Nesrin Akgül are in Bakırköy Women's Closed Prison; Ahmet Topkaya, Ferhat Turgay, Abdulhalik Kaplan, Enver Dönmez and Ergin Akhan are in Diyarbakır Type D Closed Prison; İhsan Bulut, Özhan Ceyhan , Vedat Özağar, Erol Çelik and Ahmet Anığı are in Van High Security Prison since April 30.   A second group started a death fast on May 10. Yaşar Cinbaş,Muhammed İnal, Diyadin Akdemir and Engin Kahraman in Kandıra Prison; İbrahim Doğan, Ahmet Emin Eren and Mustafa Taştan in Bolu Type F Prison; Senar Efe, Burhan Şık, Faysal Atak and Şafii Kayhan in Patnos Prison; Reşat Özdil in Tekirdağ No 1 Prison; Zeki Bayhan and Yılmaz Yıldız in Tekirdağ No 2 Prison; Sait Öztürk in Van high Security Prison.