It does not constitude the 90's: 36 hours of siege, insults, assault, arson, detention 2019-05-02 14:32:22 VAN - The citizens living in Gürpınar, Bükeç neighborhood who the police carried out 2 operations in a week, told what they have been through. The villagers living in Bükeç, told they were insulted and they committed violence against them. Two operations were carried out in Gürpınar, Bükeç in one week. One was on April 25 and one was on May 1. while the villagers were insulted and imposed to violence, they kept waiting in the village square for hours. While their supplies were confiscated, some of the supplies were trown to the Nordiz river.     VAN - Bir haftada iki operasyonun yapıldığı ve köylülere ait erzakların yakıldığı Gürpınar’ın Bükeç Mahallesi’nde darp edilen yurttaşlar yaşadıklarını anlattı. Köylüler, her türlü hakaret ve şiddete maruz kaldıklarını söyledi.    36 HOURS UNDER BLOCKADE   Bükeç neighborhood was blockaded by the soldiars who came with 9 Skorsky helicopters on April 25. Abdurrahman Dik who had a warrant about him was taken under custody with the accusation of 'helping and aiding an illegal organization'. The whole village was gathered in the square by the solidars and kept waiting in the cold. Some cell phones belonging to the villagers were confiscared, while the food supplies of the villagers were gathered in the village square claiming they were confiscated from the shelters of PKK ans serviced to the media.   Citizens told what they have been through the the reporters of Mesopotamian Agency (MA).     Kinyas Gencer who told about the operation on April 25, said: "The helicopters surrounded the village at 05.00 AM. They came from above. Searhed the whole village, the houses. They burned down the food supplies like flour,sugar,wheat, potatoes, woods and other supplies claiming theyt belonged to PKK. They searched everywhere. The blockade continued for 24 hours. We could not feed our animals.Some of them died. ALl the stuff they claimed belonged to PKK, belongs to the villagers."   Mehdi Koçak (19), who was battered by the soldiars yesterday told that the soldiars who came to their house asked about Sabri Koçak and he said he did not know and then they started punching and kicking him.   Another citizen who was battered was Ferhat Gençer, said the soldiars kicked him in the neck and back and when he answered their questions telling them he did not know the answers to, they poured boiling water over him.     The villagers also stated that the posters of HDP Co-chairs and HDP flags were also burned down.