Hunger striker İsmail Kocaman: We will continue no matter what 2019-04-13 10:42:44 ADANA- İsmail Kocaman who has been on hunger strike since January 16 in Bolu Prison, said:"We will never give our hunger strike action up until the isolation is broken."   İsmail Kocaman who has been incarcerated since 2015, was sentenced to 10 years and 3 months in prison with the accusation of'being a member of an illegal organization'.     Kocaman who was visited by his family on April 4, said:" We will stand behind our justified demand. We will not give up our hunger strike action no matter what. Our people must support us and scream out our justified demands."    Bolu F Tipi Kapalı Cezaevi’nde kalan İsmail Kocaman, 16 Ocak’tan bu yana PKK Lideri Abdullah Öcalan üzerindeki tecridin kaldırılması talebiyle açlık grevinde. 2015’ten beri tutuklu olan Kocaman’a, “örgüt üyesi olmak” iddiasıyla 10 yıl 3 ay hapis cezası verildi.    Father Hasan Kocaman who stated that his son and the other hunger strikers are losing a great deal of weight, demanded that the deaths in prison end.