Sister of hunger striker prisoner: The situation is urgent! 2019-04-12 10:26:23 BATMAN- Afife Bitmen, elder sister of the hunger striker prisoner Berivan Bitmen who is on hunger strike for 118 days, said: "Bruises started to form in the bodies of the hunger striker prisoners. The situation is urgent!" Afife Bitmen, elder sister of Berivan Bitmen who is on a hunger strike for 118 days in Kayseri Bünyan Women's Closed Prison, stating that her sister is detoriorating, demanded that the prisoners to be checked by medical teams urgently. Sister Bitmen who stated that they are getting more and more concerned about the health of her sister, said the health conditions of the prisoners are beyond critical now.     'DEMANDS ARE NOT PERSONAL'   Bitmen who stated that the demands of the prisoners are not personal, said the common demand of all prisoners is for the government to apply their own laws and allow Öcalan to see his family and attorneys,as it is the right of all prisoners.     Bitmen calling on to the authorities, said: " Independent medical teams must see the prisoners immediately monitoring their condition. Bruises started to form in the bodies of the hunger striker prisoners including my sister. The situation is urgent!"   Bitmen also said; "If the isolation is terminated not only the Kurdish people will gain from it, but also the Turkish people gain more rights. We must make an effort to end the isolation."