Uncle of hunger striker Aktaş: He is being kept at solitary confinement 2019-04-08 15:09:43   İZMİR- Mehmet Aktaş, uncle f Ergin Aktaş who is on hunger strike in Menemen Type R Prison against isolation and lacks both of his hands, stated that the torture still continues.   Sick prisoner Ergin Aktaş who is on hunger strike in Menemen Type R Closed Prison since March 2, demanding the termination of the isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, was visited by his uncle on April 3 and said the oppression on the sick prisoners is exorbitant.   Uncle Aktaş who stated that Ergin Aktaş has been detoriorating and has lost a lot of weight and problems with his blood pressure, said his nephew has told him that the torture imposed on the sick prisoners is exorbitant. Aktaş said: "The robocops have been attacking to our ward twice a day with the order of the prison administration. They tell us ' We will kill you. This is nothing, prepare yourself for what is coming.' We are 4 prisoners in this ward. I am calling onto the society for public awareness." Uncle Aktaş conveyed his concern for the prisoners.   Father Tahir Aktaş who stated that his son is being kept in solitary confinement  now said :"The Ministry of Justice can not stay silent any longer. We are Kurdish and we just want our rights. It's not that hard."