Sick prisoner Menderes Leyla on hunger strike 2019-03-16 13:44:22   İSTANBUL- Sick prisoner Menderes Leyla from Tekirdağ No 1 Type F Closed prison announced that he is on hunger strike for 20 days via her visiters.   Sick prisoner Menderes Leyla from Tekirdağ No 1 Type F Closed prison announced that he is on hunger strike with the demand of the removal of the isolation since February 25 via his visiters.     Leyla who announced he joined the hunger strike in the name of Revolutionary Left (DEV-SOL), wrote a letter to New Life Newspaper (Yeni Yaşam) regarding the isolation issue.   Leyla who stated that the letter is confiscated by the prison administration, said the letter included statements about the unlawfullness of isolation.     Menderes Leyla who suffers from tuberculosis, migrane, nephritis and ulcer, is in the sick prisoners list of Human's Right's Association (İHD).