Leyla Güven is on the 117th day of her hunger strike 2019-03-04 12:14:30 DİYARBAKIR- The hunger strike DTK Co-chair Leyla Güven have started to protest the isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan is on its 117th day. The hunger strike initiated by Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair and People's Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari Deputy Leyla Güven to protest the isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan continues on its 117nd day. Güven is continuing the hunger strike she started in prison from her home since her release on January 25.   After Güven's hunger strike, Mehmet Öcalan was able to see PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan in İmralı on January 12, but Güven stated that this visit does not mean the aggravated isolation has ended and kept on with her hunger strike until Öcalan has regular visitation rights with his attorneys and his family.   he indefinite non-rotating hunger strikes political prisoners have started from different prisons all around Turkey on December 16 is continuing. The hunger strikes of Democratic Districts Party (DBP) Co-chair Sebahat Tuncel and HDP former Deputy Selma Irmak is on its 49th day.   The hunger strike of Nasır Yağız from Federal Kurdistan District, Hewlér HDP  representative is on its 101th day, while the hunger strikes of the Kurdish politicians and journalists in Strasburg and İmam Şiş from Galler is on its 78th day. All PKK and PJAK prisoners have started a hunger strike on March 1 because the government have not yet taken any steps towards a solution.   THE HUNGER STRIKES OF THE DETAINEES CONTINUES   Last night, HDP Diyarbakır Deputy Dersim Dağ and 5 HDP members started a non-rotating and indefinite hunger strike in the district building. The building was raided by the police with the order of Minister of Interrior Süleyman Soylu and 5 hunger strikers were taken under custody. Dersim Dağ is still on hunger strike in the district building while the detained members continue their hunger strikes in the police headquarters.     Many people from Turkey and from other cities of the world, and committees and institutions visited Güven so far. Lastly, Kurdish artists Kadir Çat and Koma Pek member İlyas Arzu visited Leyla Güven. Also, Free Women Movement (TJA) activists and HDP Mersin, İstanbul and Antalya constituents payed a visit of solidarity to Güven.