Mother who can't see her son who is on hunger strike for 45 days: Enough is enough! 2019-03-01 10:51:56 ŞIRNAK- Hatice Beytur, mother of Osman Beytur who is on a hunger strike for 45 days in Şırnak Prison, said the demands of her son who she can not see because he has a 6 month penalty of visitation should be met and said: "Enough is enough!"   The hunger strike initiated by Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair and People's Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari Deputy Leyla Güven to protest the isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan continues on its 114nd day. The hunger strike of the political prisoners in prisons are on their 76th day, Nasır Yağız's hunger strike is on its 101st day and the hunger strike of the journalists and politicians in Strasburg is on their 75th day.     One of the prisoners who participated in the hunger strikes that is going to spread to all prisons where PKK and PJAK prisoners are being kept is Osman Beytur. Beytur is on hunger strike in Şırnak Type T Closed Prison since January 16. Beytur got arrested during the curfews in Cizre between 2015-2016.     Beytur's mother Hatice Beyturspoke about the actiono f his son who is incarcerated for 3 years. Mother Beytur said her and her son was battered during the visitation time in September 7,2018 and her son recieved a penalty of visitation ban for 6 months. Mother Beytur who can not visit her son because of that, said other people who visited their relatives said her son lost a lot of weight and he said that he will continue his hunger strike until their demand is met.       MOTHER BEYTUR: ÊDÎ BES E    Mother Beytur who said she supports the hunger strikers, stating that there is isolation in every prison and said:"édi bes e" (Enough is enoough). Beytur who called on to the society to be supportive of the hunger strikers said a solution must be found at once.