7 attorneys flying sky lanterns taken under custody 2019-02-23 12:01:52   İSTANBUL- 7 attorneys flying sky lanterns in Beşiktaş for their colleagues on hunger strike was taken under custody by the police. The attorneys was subjected to torture during their detention.   7 People's Law Office (HHB) member attorneys was taken under custody by the police who flew sky lanterns in solidarity with their colleagues on hunger strike including Contemporary Lawyers' Association (ÇHD) President Selçuk Kozağaçlı and 4 other members of the association. ÇHD was closed down with a law decree during the state of emergency.   The 7 attorneys was charged with  "propaganda of the organization" and "2911 Opposition to the Law on Demonstration and Rallies"   People's Law Office (HHB) made a written statement via their twitter account describing the torture their colleagues have been subjected to and reminded that torture is a crime against humanity and that it has no statue of limitations.     The case for the 20 attorneys from which the 5 of them detained was held at İstanbul 37th Criminal Court and the prosecutor requested the 19 attorneys be punished with the charge of 'being a member of an illegal organization".