'Leyla Güven lives for social future now' 2019-02-21 12:02:49 ANKARA - Mustafa Kartal, one of the names who went on hunger strike in Mamak Military Prison in September 12, defined the hunger strike of Leyla Güven who is on a hunger strike for 106 days today as :"When a person escapes from himself and integrates with his values, ideology, that body no longer belongs to him, he lives for the social future then." The hunger strike initiated by Democratic Society (DTK)  Congress Co-chair and People's Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari Deputy Leyla Güven with the demand of terminating the isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan is on its 106th day. The hunger strikes of approximately 321 prisoners are continuing on their 68th day.   On the dark days of 12 September, Mustafa Kartal, one of the members of the Revolutionary Way (DEV-YOL)  who was in the Mamak Military Prison, was one of the names who went on hunger strike against the prison conditions. Kartal evaluated the hunger strike of Leyla Güven who is on her 106th day of the hunger strike.  Kartal who reminded that there were policies of standardization  and monopolization besides physical turture to end the political personalities in Mamak Military Prison, said: "In those circumstances, you will either deny your identity, your personality, your dignity, your political stance, or you will surrender or you will die with a dignified stance. We had no other choice."   Kartal stated that the September 12 mechanism continues in a further aggravated system, said :" Supposedly, there  is democracy today, but the legislative, executive and judicial organs are in the hands of one man.Turkey have gone through another coup on July 15, after September 12. It was no different than the one in September 12 regarding the fear in the streets, the oppression of the opposition.. We are beneath September 12 in terms of democracy today. "   Kartal defined the individual that goes on a hunger strike as: "When a person escapes from himself and integrates with his values, ideology, that body no longer belongs to him, he lives for the social future from then on. Leyla Güven did exactly the same thing."   Kartal who stated that: "Political or economic transformation can not be achieved in the social sense without Öcalan in Turkey and Middle East", said that this is an ignored fact. Kartal who emphasized that the isolation on Öcalan must be terminated based on this mission, said: "The fact that that many people laying their bodies to hunger, and eventually death, shows their determination and and their unity with the values they defend. This is a rightous attitude."  Kartal who underlines at this point leftist and socialists has a responsibility, said the demand of Güven and the political prisoners must be uttered relentlessly.