Support with the slogan ‘Bijî berxwedana zindana’ 2019-02-06 12:46:47   MARDİN- HDP members including Mardin Metropolitan Municipality Presidency candidate Ahmet Türk, went in fornt of Mardin Type M Closed Prison in solidarity with the hunger striker prisoners, chanted ‘Bijî berxwedana zindana’ (Long live our prison resistance)   People's Democratic Party (HDP) Mardin District Organization executives and members went in fornt of Mardin Type M Closed Prison in solidarity with the hunger striker prisoners who are protesting the isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan.   Mardin Metropolitan Municipality Presidency Candidate Ahmet Türk and Artuklu Municipality Presidency Candidate  Nurettin Turgay recieved information from the families of the hunger strikers.   Mardin Büyükşehir Belediyesi Eşbaşkan Adayı Ahmet Türk ve Artuklu Belediyesi Eşbaşkan Adayı Nurettin Turgay'ın da aralarında olduğu partililer, görüşe gelen ailelerinden açlık grevindeki tutuklulara dair bilgi aldı.    After that, the candidates and the HDP executives who went to the prison door  negotiated  with the prison staff for a while. Afterwards, the party members who wanted to make a statement were not allowed by law enforcement officers taking intensive measures in front of the prison.   The mass reacted to the situation by  chanting "Bijî berxwedana zindana".