Leyla Güven: The facts will lead us to reality 2019-01-31 13:37:36   DİYARBAKIR- DTK Co-chair Leyla Güven who video called the watch HDP Deputies have started to draw attention to the isolation and the hunger strikes, said: "Although it is a grueling way, the facts will lead us to truth."   The watch have started with the attendance of HDP Deputies Dersim Dağ, Saliha Aydeniz, Semra Güzel, Rıdvan Turan, Musa Farisoğulları and Tülay Hatimoğulları and Diyarbakır Metropolitan Municipality Co-chair candidate Selçuk Mızraklı to draw attention to the hunger strikes and the isolation policy.   Democratic Society Congress Co-chair Leyla Güven who is on a hunger strike for 85 days have connected to the watch that will be waited by 2 HDP deputies a day via video conference.   Leyla Güven saluted the attendants and said: "The solidarity you show means the world to me. Welcome to DTK. I salut our Diyarbakır Deputies. You all look well. Mine is the beauty the resistance gave me. My morale is high and I am peaceful. I was better at the prison.I wish I could have continued my hunger strike in prison.You were trying to shout out the facts in the parliament in this period of fascism. We tried to watch from the Assembly TV if we had the chance. The others were trying to ignore the existance of HDP. We had no chance of watching you as our journalists are never allowed in. "   "You who have the courage to shout out 'The king is naked!' in this period of fascism, have become targets. You kept on anyway. The work you are doing is sacred. Your work touches the people. You worked hard to be the voice of the workers, women, the underdog. I would like to express my wishes of success to all of you. Although it is a grueling way, the facts will lead us to truth.   "We are face to face with practices very similar to September 12 period. Our friend on hunger strike in Elazığ and Patnos prisons are being kept alone, isolated. They are given nothing except salt and sugar. They managed to left behind 45 anyhow. They tried to rip apart our resistance by releasing me. It did not and will not work. We are on this way. The people left behind will live an honourable life. I salut all of you with all my love."   Tülay Hatimoğlu and Rıdvan Turan who are waiting the watch said theywill carry the flag they took from Güven no matter what happens. Turan said: "The truth is, those who struggle will eventually succeed. This torch you lit is very meaningful to all of us. I believe you are performing your duty as a revolutionary. This duty is all of ours."