Statement about hunger strikes from SES: Dialogue should be established without loss of life 2019-01-22 14:15:28 ANKARA- SES Chairperson İbrahim Kaya who stated that the hunger strikers are in critical condition, called on to the Ministry of Health to establish dialogue before losses of lives. Health and Social Service Workers Union (SES) held a press statement in their headquarters regarding the hunger strikes of Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair and People's Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari Deputy Leyla Güven (76 days)  and the political prisoners (38 days).    SES Chairperson who spoke in the press statement said according to the information the unions have reached as of January 22, there are 293 prisoners in indefinite non-rotating hunger strike.   Kaya emphasized the importance of dialogue in order to prevent life loss in prisons before its too late.