Intolerance about Leyla Güvcen in Hrant Dink commemoration 2019-01-19 18:21:26 ISTANBUL - Those who wanted to carry the posters of Leyla Guven in the march for Hrant Dink, the editor-in-chief of the murdered Agos newspaper, were prevented by the police. The memorial service was held in front of the newspaper building in Sisli Pangalti. A mass gathering in front of Cevahir Shopping Mall marched from there to the newspaper building.   The mass marching behind the banner "We know the killers" carried photographs of Diyarbakır Bar Association President Tahir Elçi who was murdered like Dink.   A large group of delegates from the HDP and the provincial organizations of the party attended the march. The party members who had photos of Leyla Güven who has been in a hunger strike for 73 days was blockaded by the police.   When the police chiefs who stated that holding the posters of Güven was forbidden, the deputies of HDP said that Leyla Güven was a parliamentarian so carrying her photograhps can not be forbidden.   In those moments, HDP members and those who attended the march started chanting 'Leyla Güven is our Honour' and reacted to the attitude of the police. People who attended the commemoration kept walking despite the efforts of the police trying to prevent the march.