'A danger awaits İzmir just as like in İstanbul' 2019-01-08 10:15:43 İZMİR- TMMOB İzmir HRD Term Spokesperson Melih Yalçın who mentioned that the danger is not averted yet despite Gulf Transition Prpject was stopped with a court decision, said AKP is planning to open the region to rent. İzmir Gulf Transit Project was one of the projects of Binali Yıldırım, the Minister of Transport, Communication and Maritime Affairs of the period and İzmir Metropolitan Municipality Mayor candidate in the local administrations elections of 2014. The project which took the first place of Yıldırım's election bulletin was named 'Golden neckband of the gulf'.The project starts from Sasalı intersection of İzmir bypass and ends in the south at Çeşme bypass.   Gediz Delta which is the north end of the project is the living space of the flamingos as well as many other bird species. The region one of the 14 wetland ares that has an international importance and accepted to be a natural protected area. Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation have given a positive environmental impact assessment (ÇED) report on March 17 to the İzmir Gulf Transition Project. With the file suited by Ege Enviroment and Culture Platform, Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects, Nature Association and 85 individual citizens, a motion for stay of execution was granted for the project which will end the wild life of brd species in the area.