New York Times: Wealthy and accomplished Turks leaving the country 2019-01-03 12:28:31   American newspaper The New York Times drew attention to the capital and the qualified workforce leaving Turkey. The report showed 'nepotism and increased authoritarianism" for the main reasons of mass migration.   The report, which draws attention to the capital group close to the power, was published with the title 'Turkish people who are fervently opposed to Erdogan's vision, taking their talents and assets, leaving the country in flocks'. The fact that " First time since the country's establishment, the upper-class families that shape the cultural and business life have left Turkey," also emphasized.   In the article the data from Global Wealth Migration Review took place. According to the data of the GWMR report, between 2016 and 2017 12 percent of the wealthy population of Turkey transfered their money abroad.According to the Global Wealth Migration Research of AfrAsia Bank, most of that wealth was transferred to Europe and United Arab Emirates.   The same report suggests that İstanbul is ranking 7 in the cities that global wealth migration occurs the most. According to the expression  in the New York Times : '"If we look at the important demolitions experienced by the countries in the history, we can see that the people who migrate first are the wealthy people of that country."   In the article the words of President Erdoğan defining the people leaving as 'treators' was reminded.  Also, data on the increase in the demand for political asylum after the coup attempt were included.    According to the data of Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK) 253 thousand 640 citizens migrated from Turkey in 2018.