Sick patient lost his life attending his hearing via video conference 2018-12-29 14:53:27   MARDİN- Ibrahim Akbaba, a prisoner from the Edirne F-Type Prison who attended the hearing in Mardin via video conference system (SEGBIS), died of a heart attack during the trial.     Ibrahim Akbaba, a 70-year-old detainee in Edirne F Type Closed Prison, suffered a heart attack while testifying with the Voice and Image Information System (SEGBIS). Akbaba who connected to the SEGBİS system during trial, had a heart attack during his testimony and lost his life in the hospital he was brought to. His funeral was held in Mardin, Kızıltepe.     Ibrahim Akbaba, who had been in prison for 15 months, had been transferred from Mardin E Type Closed Prison to Edirne F Type Prison about two months ago against his will. Sick prisoner Akbaba was exposed to a 2-day journey with a ring vehicle during the referral.     Akbaba had previously undergone open heart surgery and had severe diabetes. Akbaba who had lost one of his legs before, was living with a prosthetic leg. Akbaba requested his prosthetic leg to be changed, but because his insurence and the state did not cover it, he couldn't.     Mardin 3rd Criminal Court wrote a report to refer him to Forensic Medicine Institude (ATK) but it did not happen.Akbaba told about his health issues to the human rights defenders who visited him at the prison and told them he needed his medicine on a regular basis and he needed to be taken care of, therefore he requested to be moved to Diyarbakır Type D Prison where his son is being kept, but no one had responded to his request.   Human's Rights Association (İHD) demanded his release in Panel F's 349th week they held in December 1st.     Akbaba's situation was brought to the parliament by HDP parliamentarian Ebru Günay as a parliamentary question to Abdulhamit Gül, but that question hasn't been responded to this day.