İHD: Government should abandon its racist and discriminatory policies 2018-12-24 15:15:32   İSTANBUL- İHD İstanbul Branch who evaluated the attack to Kadir Şakçı and Burhan Şakçı who were shot because they say 'We are Kurdish' and said 'It is a result of the racist and discriminatory policies', said: the government should abandon those policies.   The Human Rights Association (İHD) Istanbul Branch made a written statement about the murder of Kadir Sakçı (43) and his son Burhan Sakçı (16) who had been shot for saying 'We are Kurdish  in Sakarya. Indicating that they denounced all hate attacks, İHD  said, 'Hate attacks are the direct result of racist, discriminatory policies.'   The statement continued: 'The fact that the hate crimes are increasing and becoming more visible day by day, worries us deeply. We are condemning the hate crimes in the person of Kadir and Burhan Şakçı, and calling on to the government to abandon the racist, discrimantory discourse and behavior, and addressing the government to not let impunity increase the hate crimes."