USA Secretary of Defence resigns after the Syria decision 2018-12-21 13:04:46   NEWS DESK- US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis has announced he will step down at the end of February, following his decision to withdraw from Syria.Mattis said in a letter of resignation to President Trump that "You have the right to work with a defense minister whose views are closer to yours."   US Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis has announced he will step down in late February. Mattis' decision followed US President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from Syria and to reduce the number of troops in Afghanistan.     According to the news in the VOA, Defense Minister Mattis wrote in his long  letter of resignation that it is right for him to resign because Trump has the right to work with a defense minister whose ideas are closer to Trump.    Mattis pointed out 28 February as his resignation date in his latter.   In a message he shared on Twitter, US President Trump said that Jim Mattis will retire with honors by the end of February. Trump said: "Great progress has been made in Jim's duty period, especially in the introduction of new equipment.General Mattis helped allies and other countries meet their military obligations." US media reported that Jim Mattis visited White House upon the decision about Syria to dissuade President Trump, but he presented his letter of resignation when Trump did not change his mind.   Mattis' resignation caused intense debate in US politics.Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, who are in talks with the Trump administration to prevent the government from closing down in the US, commented on Mattis's resignation in a statement to press members. Nancy Pelosi used the expression 'a strong leader' for Mattis, and added:  "Read the letter, the process that pushes him to this decision"    Both Democrats recalled that the experienced names had left the Trump administration, arguing that the Trump administration was in chaos.