Prisoners starting a hunger strike with one demand 2018-11-26 12:39:29   NEWS DESK- Political prisoners in prison, initiating a 10-day periodic hunger-strike action starting tomorrow, demanding the segregation of Öcalan to be stopped.   Political prisoners are starting a hunger strike tomorrow. Deniz Kaya who read the statement in the name of PKK and PJK prisoners said they are starting a hunger strike for the segregation on Öcalan to be stopped on November 27, for 10 days.   " Our leadership is our breathe and our spirit of freedom. We have no patience left to wait for this inhumane segregation to be over. Our only demand is to break the segregation. Our direct actions will go much more radical in the upcoming days. We are entering a new process of resistance as the successors of the dungeon resistance culture that say: 'We love life enough to die for the sake of life.' In this process, we call on all people democratic, literate and human to be sensitive with this resistance.We are calling our people to support this resistance in Turkey and in Kurdistan. "