Temel applied to Human's Rights Commission 2018-11-13 13:46:23 VAN-HDP Van Parliamentarian  Tayip Temel have applied to the Human's Right Commission demanding  an immediate assembly. His house which have been raided by the police twice in 2 years was burned down the last time it was raided. Temel stated in his application: " Gendermerie and special forces raided people'S houses on November 11, 2018 at 03.00 A.m upon an anoymous tip and civillians were victimized during those raids. Mehmet Polat, a citizen whose house have been raided informed us that during the house raid his family was removed from the house without letting them to wear something, not even socks and they kept them waiting outside for hours and threw gas bombs inside. While nothing was found during the search,  the gas bombs caused a fire and it damaged the house significantly. The dowery kept in the house for a wedding that was going to happen the next week was burned. Polat family whose house was raided 5 times in 4 years, was burned down 3 years ago.   COMMISION MUST VISIT THE SCENE   Temel who insisted that the Human's Rights Commission must gather immediately and visit the scene where the incident happened, said: " In addition, I would like to request an urgent visit of the aforementioned neighborhood to be visited by the commission."