Journalist Nazlım: I will not betray the principles of my profession 2018-11-12 15:16:36 ANKARA- Our repoter Deniz Nazlım who had a warrant for his detention, was released after his deposition to the prosecutor. Nazlım made a press statement before his deposition: "I will practive my profession without ever betraying the principles of journalism, and I will never do anything else than journalism. I am speaking directly to those who introduce themselves as supra-state. We are aware where we are working."   Our reporter Deniz Nazlım who was searched with a warrant in the scope of the operation held on November 9, and then was released have held a press conference before he went to the prosecutor's office to give his deposition.   Deniz Nazlım who stated he has been practicing journalism for 5 years, said: "I will practive my profession without ever betraying the principles of journalism, and I will never do anything else than journalism. I am speaking directly to those who introduced themselves as supra-state, those who subjected me to an illegal inquiry in Ankara police station, those who threaten me to work somewhere else than my agency, those who detained me when I went to a deposition about mendatory military service to Çankaya destrict police station. We are aware where we are working.We are journalists and we are trying to secure people's right to information."