The article that will make the discharged doctors unemployed for life has passed the commission 2018-11-07 11:20:43 ANKARA- The 5th article that prevents the discharged doctors and the doctors that can't pass the security clearance from working in places that has an agreement with Social Security Institution (SGK) has passed the commission.   The 5th article of the bill of law that AKP brought to the assembly claimin that it would prevent the violence in health, that the doctors and dentists who can't pass the security clearance from working in places that has an agreement with SGK has passed the commission.   THEY DID NOT LET THE COMMISSION MEMBERS TAKE THE FLOOR   Arguements arose in the meeting about the bill of law that the opposition objected. Voting process was started before letting the commission members take the floor. Opposition protested this by hitting the desk, making noices.   CHP,HDP,IYIP and SP said they considered this a pirate voting and stated that this is unconstitutional. Opposition who uttered that the voting is not legit, will file an appeal.   WHAT IS THE 5TH ARTICLE ABOUT?   According to the 5th article that have passed, the discharged doctors, dentist, and medical specialists can only be employed by the institutions that does not have an agreement with SGK. Their reports will not be valid in judiciary and administration actions.