Eren Erdem from CHP stands trial 2018-10-31 15:40:02 İSTANBUL- The trial that Ex CHP parliamentarian Eren Erdem and 11 Karşı newspaper workers judged started in the court room across Silivri Prison. The trian that Ex Republican People's Party (CHP) parliamentarian and CHP PM Eren erdem and 11 Karşı newspaper workers are being judged started in 23th Criminal Court in İstanbul.   People from CHP argued about the place to make a statement with the gendermerie.   Mahmut Tanal who spoke about the gunfire sounds said: " You cant make healthy trials under the sounds of gunfire." CHP İstanbul Provincial Chairperson Canan Kaftancıoğlu asked why  Eren Erdem is arrested.   ABOUT THE CASE   İstanbul Chief Prosecutor'S office requests 22 years of jail time for Erdem due to sharing FETÖ's tapes in 17-25 December on charges of "Helping the organisation while not being a member" and " revealing the secret regarding his duty". Eren Erdem is arrested since June 29.