'No solutions came out of the quartet summit' 2018-10-30 10:43:02   İSTANBUL- Middle east specialist Musa Özuğurlu who said that no solutions came out of the quartet summit, said : " Turkiye will force the issue to be solved by military actions while saying they are searching for a political solution. The reason for that is the fact that Erdoğan does not want any achievement of the Kurdish.   The quartet summit was held in istanbul on October 27 hosted by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan with Russia President Vladimir Putin, France President Emmanuel Macron and German Prime Minister Angela Merkel.    Middle east specialist and journalist Musa Özuğurlu have made evaluations about the assertion published after the summit.   'CONFLICT WILL START AGAIN IN IDLIB'   Özuğurlu stating that İdlib will once again be the center of a crisis and that the conflict will start again, stated that this will be a problem between Turkey and Russia.   'ERDOĞAN DOESN'T WANT THE ACHIEVEMENT OF THE KURDISH'   Özuğurlu who invokes that despite Russia's France's and Germany's statements of political solutions in Syria ,Erdoğan keeps telling that he will have the army make an operation in the east of Fırat, says there is a disagreement on this matter.   Özuğurlu, " What Erdoğan means when he says 'political solutions' is that no achievement of the Kurdish be acknowlaged by the Syrian authorities and the groups Erdoğan supports to be included in the administration."