They hung flags on the windows, cut the water off: You will get out of here not us 2018-10-08 10:42:43   DİYARBAKIR- The soldiers have made the people hang out flags forcefully in the village Birlik of Lice. Saliha Aydeniz, HDP parliamentarian responded "You will get out of here not us, i represent the people here" to the commander shouting "Get the hell out of these lands!"   The operations are ongoing in the districts Lice and Hani ,including 65 settlements ,after Diyarbakır Governer's Office declared curfew on October 4th.    With the operations ongoing for 4 days in Birlik village in lice, the entrance to the village has been banned and the soldiers are making the village people hang flags and search their houses the last 2 days.    After what happened in the past few days, People's Democratic Party (HDP) Parliamentarians Saliha Aydeniz, Semra Güzel and Selçuk Mızraklı and a local party member visited the village as a committee. Soldiers didn't allow the committee to enter the village ,they could only interview with a few households.     THEY MADE US HANG UP FLAGS   The villagers told the committee that the soldiers made them hang flags and threaten them not to put them away.   After the committee interviewed with the households in the entrance of the village, the soldiers did not let them go any further in the village.   'YOU WILL GET OUT OF HERE NOT US'    At the exit of the village someone dressed in uniforms advanced upon the committee saying he is the Lice Gendarmerie Regional Commander shouting out " The people claiming to be parliamentarians ,come and give me their identifications. If that woman claiming she is a parliamentarian doesnt step back, soldiers will intervene. Get the hell out of these lands. I am the commander, I am the state, I can raise my voice". HDP Parliamentarian Aydeniz responded: "I am chosen by these people here. I am a deputy of the people. You will watch your tone when you are talking to me. You are the ones invading these lands, you will get out of here."   SOLDIARS KICK THE CAR OF THE COMMITTEE   The man claiming to be the Lice Gendarmerie Regional Commander have kicked the car and insulted the committee.    THE STATE SHOWS ITSELF WITH OPPRESSION AND ARMAMENT    Saliha Aydeniz, who commented on what happened in the name of the committee said, " This is the same as what happened in the 90's when they burned down the villages and forests and forced migration on the people.   Aydeniz insisted that the soldiers have the motive of removing the people from the village, from their homes. They want them clear out of there.   Finally Aydeniz said : "We are a country that experienced this problem cannot be solved with violence and we are experiencing this for 40 years. We believe that the solution is through dialog and democracy.”