‘All of the bodies in Malatya found with broken wrists’ 2018-10-02 11:59:56 MARDİN- A.A who have gone to identify the body of his brother who lost his life due to the Turkish Armed Forces’ (TSK) airstrike, to the forensic medicine institude have found out that the remains are unrecognizable and all the right writsts of the bodies were broken. Many of the bodies of HPG (People’s Defence Unit) members who lost their lives in different armed conflagrations are stil in the Malatya morgue of the forensic medicine institude to be identified. Most of the remains are buried in cemetery of the nameless because the DNA matches are delayed although they are identified by their families.   Families who came to the morgue to identify the body of their child , have to see all the bodies. Most of find it difficult to identify the bodies that are layed on the flor in body bags because of the pshycal disintegration.   A.A who went to Malatya to claim the body of his brother found out that most of the bodies are in pieces, one of them consist of only one right arm. “Three of the bodies did not have a head” claimed A.A, added, “I cant understand how the bodies end up like this? The stitches obtained during the autopsy were visible, and all of their right wrists were broken and taped to the arm with a sticky tape. They looked like they were broken intentionally. It can not be a coincidence that all of their wrists got broken the same way, as if someone were saying “we break the hand that hold a gun against the Turks.” The bodies looked tortured.   A.A said his brothers body were beyond recognition and thats why he could not identify the body and he added: “ Both the families waiting in the morgue and the bodies are inflicted cruelty.