Their message echoed in the Galatasaray Square where they are denied entrance to 2018-09-29 16:32:13   İSTANBUL- Saturday Mothers, who want  to go back to the Galatasaray Square to ask for their missing relatives, once again blocked by the police.   Saturday Mothers, who are asking the whereabouts of their missing relatives and who insists their offenders to be judged, wanted to do a sit in in Galatasary Square for the 705th time.   Saturday Mothers who met with Saturday People in front of Human Rights Association (IHD) marched towards Galatasaray Square with the pictures of their missing relatives and carnations.   The police blocked the march and told them they will not let them make a statement in the square.   POLICE BLOCK TO JOURNALISTS   Police tried to block journalists who are doing their jobs, just like the past few weeks.  A police commander said . “ If we allow the journalists, pres statements will go on incessantly in here. If the group agrees to go indoors, I will remove my riot police and the journalists can take as many pictures of the building as they wish.   JUSTICE FOR MECİT BASKIN   This weeks statement was about the head of Ankara Altındağ Registry Office , Abdulmecit Baskın, who was taken into custody by people introducing themselves as the police, wearing police vests and carrying police radios, and found dead two days later in Ankara, Gölbaşı.   Berna Tosun, whose father forcebly disappeared in 90’s read the statement in the action blockaded by the police.   Tosun saying “We want justice for Abdulmecit Baskın” mentioned the sit in which has been going on smoothly for 700 weeks ,is being stonewalled by the police for 6 weeks now. While Berna Tosun was reading the statement, same statement was read from the speakers of the Republican People’s Party building close by. The statement echoes through the İstiklal Street.   Saturday Mother Hanife Yıldız shouted out that they will be there next week upon the end of the statement.