Prisoners subjected mouth search and handcuffed examination 2024-10-20 13:18:37   ADANA - Prisoners in prisons in Adana stated that they have not been able to access their right to health for years due to mouth searches and handcuffed examinations.    Political prisoners in Kürkçüler Prison Campus Prison and Suluca Campus Prison in Adana face many violations of their rights. The most prominent violations prisoners face are handcuffed medical examinations and mouth searches.    This practice violates the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), to which Turkey is a party. However, prisoners repeatedly refuse to receive treatment due to both impositions. Prisoners' objections against this situation are rejected by saying that “the practice is in accordance with the legislation”.    ISOLATION   Informing their families about the violations they have been experiencing, the prisoners stated that they have not been able to access the right to health since 2019 because they refused to accept the mouth search. Pointing out that the condition of their ill friends is getting worse day by day, the prisoners called for sensitivity against what they described as “arbitrary and unlawful” practices.    The prisoners also noted that they are held in the same corridor with those arrested for ISIS and FETO, some of them are held in single cells, and their sports activities are prevented. “We are living in isolation within isolation,” the prisoners said, adding that they are facing a scabies outbreak due to unhealthy conditions.    The prison administration declined to provide any information.    MA / Hamdullah Yağız Kesen