Women says struggle must waged common ground 2024-10-20 12:13:45   DÎLOK - Pointing out that the massacres of women and violence are caused by the policies of the government, the women of Eğitim-Sen said: “A struggle must be waged by uniting on a common ground.”     Massacres of women, suspicious deaths, violence and crimes against children are increasing day by day. Following the murder of 8-year-old Narin Güran in Amed (Diyarbakır), İkbal Uzuner and Ayşenur Halil were murdered in Istanbul. While the lifeless body of university student Rojin Kabaiş was found in Wan, it was revealed that the so-called “newborn gang” caused the deaths of babies.    POLICY OF IMPUNITY Elif Söyleyici, one of the executives of Education and Science Workers' Union (Eğitim-Sen) Dîlok (Gaziantep) branch, said that impunity policies are effective in the increase of massacres and abuse incidents. Söyleyici stated that these incidents cannot be handled as individual approaches and that they are the results of the system. Drawing attention to the practices that confine women to the home and remove them from the public sphere, “Women's deaths have become a situation that is talked about numerically. It has become normal for 3 women to be killed every day. Even women's defense of their rights is taken as an element of provocation. Because they see women's defense of their rights as a threat to their power. In this way, they conduct politics through women in order to design society. We demand that the criminals be found and punished in accordance with Law No. 6284” she said.     'WOMEN MURDERS ARE POLITICAL' Gülfidan Özpolat, Women's Secretary of Eğitim-Sen Dîlok Branch, noted that 26 murders of women were recorded in the last 10 days. “The slogan we chant the most is that femicides are political. Because murders of women are imposed on us by masculine policies and impunity. It is precisely from here that we say that the murders of women are political” said Özpolat.    Özpolat stated that women are uneasy and fearful on the streets at night because of what is happening. Emphasizing that they will continue to be in the streets against the fear they want to create, Özpolat emphasized that the women's struggle must be carried out on a common ground, by uniting. Pointing out that women's discourse has recently been criminalized, Özpolat said: “We must put it in front of us to carry out this struggle shoulder to shoulder, without forgetting that the struggle of women is universal and that the struggle of Kurdish women is an honorable struggle. We must show our strong stance together without ever deviating from this goal.”    'WOMEN ARE HERE IN EVERY FIELD' “None of us are safe,” said Müzeyyen Yılmaz, Branch Secretary of Eğitim Sen. Pointing out that the perpetrators want to legitimize their massacres on the basis of “psychological condition” she countinued as follows: “However, we know that this is due to the policies of impunity. Femicide is not something that happens by chance. In this sense, we reiterate in every field we go to that femicides are political. We women are here, we will not go anywhere. We are not leaving the streets or the fields.”    MA / Ceylan Şahinli