32-year ill prisoner held in solitary confinement 2024-07-09 13:56:12   ŞIRNEX - Hülya Darga, wife of ill prisoner Mehmet Darga, who is being held in solitary confinement, said: "It is very risky to hold him like this. He must be released."    Mehmet Darga, 65, who is being held in Giresun Espiye Type L Prison, is not being released despite his advancing age and health problems. Darga, who was arrested after being detained in Mersin in 1992, suffers from blood pressure and diabetes. Darga also suffers from stomach problems. Suffering from chronic gastritis, Darga underwent angioplasty twice in prison. After his arrest, he was held in prisons in Adana, Şirnex, Wan and Çanakkale respectively. Finally, he was transferred to Giresun.    Imprisoned for 32 years, Darga was placed in solitary confinement in February for participating in the hunger strike organized as part of the "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan and a solution to the Kurdish issue" campaign.    Hülya Darga pointed out that her husband is in a position to meet his needs on his own and demanded his release.    'UNABLE TO MEET HIS NEEDS'   Stating that her husband was seriously ill, Darga said: "They detained me to make him surrender. I was pregnant at the time. They released me after my husband was detained. My husband has been in prison for 32 years and his illnesses are very severe. In addition to her illnesses, her teeth fell out due to torture. He cannot meet his needs because he is held in a single cell. If there was someone with him, at least they would help him. He has a lot of difficulty alone."    7 YEARS WITHOUT VISITATION   Saying that she has not been able to see her husband for 7 years due to her illnesses and family problems, Darga stated the following: "I raised my children on my own. I supported the house alone by working in many jobs. My husband is not being treated properly. When his condition gets worse, he is taken to the hospital. Both his age and his illnesses are advanced. It is very risky to keep him in solitary confinement like this. He needs to be released as soon as possible. Our people and human rights organizations must protect ill prisoners."