"Speak up for freedom" protest continues 2024-07-08 17:31:47   NEWS CENTER – The "Speak up for freedom" protest of relatives of prisoners continues in many cities.   The "Speak up for freedom" protest launched by relatives of prisoners in front of prisons within the scope of the campaign launched to demand "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan and a solution to the Kurdish issue" continues.   During the ongoing protests in Mersin, Izmir and Adana, a banner saying "Let's break the isolation for justice, speak up for freedom for social peace" was opened. Slogans such as "Bijî berxwedana zindanan (Long live resistance of dungeons)" and "Political prisoners are our honor" were frequently chanted during the protests.   People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party), Democratic Regions Party (DBP), People's Democratic Congress (HDK) and Free Women's Movement (Tevgera Jinên Azad-TJA) participated in the protests of the relatives of prisoners.