18 people killed Turkey-controlled areas in 1 month 2024-07-05 10:53:42   RIHA - In June this year, 18 people were killed in Efrin, Girê Spî and Serêkaniyê under the control of Turkey and its paramilitary groups.    Human rights violations continue in the areas under the control of Turkey and its paramilitary groups. According to the data compiled by Hawar News Agency (ANHA); 18 citizens were killed and dozens of people were abducted in Efrîn, Girê Spî and Serêkaniyê in June.     On June 1, groups wounded 2 young men with firearms in al-Bab, northeast of Aleppo. On June 4, Henan Hesekê (65) from Miske village in Cindires district of Efrin and Mihemed Horo (58) from Frereya village were abducted.    Members of the group named Shami Front abducted Temam Safûr (46), who was forcibly deported from Turkey, in Afrin. The group members demanded a ransom of 1,500 dollars from Temam Safûr's family for his release. 22 migrants were forcibly deported from Turkey and sent to the occupied territories through Bab al-Salam Gate.   RANSOM DEMANDED   Turkey and its paramilitary groups massacred 15 migrants trying to cross into Turkey in Serêkaniyê on June 5. Among those killed was a young man named Yehya Ehmed El-Xemîs (23) from Hemo village in Qamişlo. Silêman Hikmet, Cano Hacî Xorşîd and Mihemed Reşîd Hac Omer, who were kidnapped by the group members from Goran village of Cindirês and released in exchange for ransom, were kidnapped once again.    Agricultural fields of Meyremîn and Ennaba villages were burned. The fire reached the villages of Şûragha, Tatraş, Tanb and Malikiyê in Shêrawa district of Efrin. The fire started by the group members in Basla village spread to the forest area in Soganka village. In Enderiyê village of Jindirês district of Efrin, factions sold the house of Isam Hisên, which they confiscated since the occupation of Efrin (2018), to another person for 1,500 dollars.    DEPORTEES KIDNAPPED   Delil Hesen Hecî (34) from Baflor village in Jindirês and Cemal Heyyan (35) from Himus were forcibly deported from Turkey through Bal El-Salam Border Gate. The deported citizens were abducted by the group members near Qestal Jindo village in Shera, on the border with Ezaz. Members of the group cut down 17 olive trees belonging to a citizen named Mihemed Şêxmûs on Aleppo road northeast of Efrin.   PREGNANT WOMAN TORTURED   On June 7, members of Firqeya Hemzat group kidnapped Taher Mihemed Shukri (54) who was on his way to Efrin in Darkir village of Mabata district of Efrin. In Kunde Kurîh village of Rajo district of the city, Arif Reşîd (70), Omer Reşîd Selah Elî (43), Îzet Îsmaîl Bîlal (58), Mihemed Mistefa Ne'asan (45) and Îsmaîl Bîlal (37) were kidnapped.   A group of 10 people, including a pregnant woman, were tortured by Turkish soldiers while trying to cross the border from Serêkaniyê. While many citizens were injured, a pregnant woman lost her child.    Ekrem Cinêd, a lawyer from Hema working in Cindirês, was kidnapped by Turkish intelligence officers due to his speeches on the occupation and paramilitary groups.    Ednan Nami (26) was abducted on June 13 from Eyn El Hajer a Mezin village. Members of the paramilitary group Hecî Abu Hîşam attacked Azad Bîlal from Hec Xelil village in Efrîn and seized his brother Amir Husên Bilal's olive oil shop in Reco. Group members wounded Azad Bilal with a cutting instrument.    On June 17, two brothers, Mihemed Zamjî Mûrad (35) and Faiq Zamjî Mûrad (33), were kidnapped in Kafr Safra town of Jindires. A citizen named Imad Mistefa Xelil from Hûlîla village in Rajo was abducted by groups. Imad Mistefa was forcibly deported from Turkey.    MURDER, ABDUCTION, HARASSMENT   The body of a man in his 50s was found near a checkpoint of Turkish mercenaries southwest of Afrin.    On June 19, Turkish soldiers seized the house of Zeynab Mihemed Ehmed (60) from Maeina village in Sharan district of Afrin to use it as a military base.    Group members abducted a citizen named Rızan Mihemed (44) from Şaktko village in Şiyê district of Efrin. Cemal Elî Kulîn (26) and Mihemed Welîd Alîko (22) were returning to their homes in Darkir village of Mabata on a motorcycle when they were attacked by members of the group. Jamal Elî Kulîn was killed in the attack. Bekir Ednan Bekir, a citizen from the same village, who was following the two young men on his motorcycle during the attack, was also abducted by the group members.   On June 22, a citizen named Nêçirvan Mistefa Êli (37) was kidnapped in Mabata. A group member named "Yûsif" kidnapped and harassed a 17-year-old girl from Kabaşin village.    Abu Imran, a member of Ehrar al-Sharqiya group, tortured a citizen named Mihemed Brem from Kiwara village of Rajo in front of his family. Mihemed Brem's mother-in-law Zeyneb Şêxo (85), who reacted against the group, was also attacked. Zeyneb Şêxo had a heart attack and was taken to Efrin Hospital.   On June 25, Firqeya Hemzat group tortured Ehmed Maho (13) near Sinaa School in Mehmudi neighborhood. It is reported that Ehmed Maho suffered psychological trauma due to torture.    On June 26, paramilitary groups in Diwa Feqani village of Cindires abducted village headman Eli Hesen (40), his brothers Hisên Hesen Hemud (35), Mihemed Hesen Hemud (38) and Mihemed Cuma Soro (40). Mukhtar was released after paying the ransom demanded. The group also demanded the property of the 3 people they kidnapped.    Yahya Taha Berekat (37) and Adhem Derîh Elûş (15) from Cindirês were kidnapped in Efrin.    CLASH BETWEEN GROUP AND SOLDIERS   Clashes broke out between members of Jabhat Fateh al-Sham and the military in Efrin. In the clash, a young man named Haris Ibrahim El-Alan lost his life, his father and a citizen named Ibn Feysel El-Ebo were wounded.    In Kaxara town of Mabata, Mehmûd Elî Bîn Nûreddîn was abducted from his house behind Dêrsim Hospital.    On June 29, members of the group kidnapped a young man named Reşid Samir Eli (24) from Kura village of Cindirês and demanded a ransom of 25 thousand dollars from his family. The group attacked a young man named Nidal Mihemed who was working in a tailor shop in Efrin and broke his head and phone.