Bayındır: They will collapse with the resistance of the Kurds Hatimoğulları: This is called fascism, a coup 2024-06-04 18:28:39   COLEMÊRG - Speaking at the trustee protest in Colemêrg, DBP Co-Chair Keskin Bayındır said that the government will collapse "with the resistance of the Kurds". DEM Party Co-Chair Tülay Hatimoğulları said, "This is called fascism, a coup."   Protests continue in the city regarding Colemêrg Municipality Co-Mayor Mehmet Sıddık Akış's suspension from duty after he was taken into custody and the appointment of a trustee in his place. Political party co-chairs spoke at the protests, where slogans such as "We will win by resisting", "We do not want a thieving Mayor" and "Bijî berxwedana Hekkarî" were raised.   BAYINDIR: ERDOĞAN WILL GO   DBP Co-Chair Keskin Bayındır said: "A trustee was appointed again according to the will of the people. We do not accept this appointment. This system will collapse thanks to the resistance of the Kurdish people. The will of the Kurds has not been accepted for a century. Even today, Bahçeli said that he would not recognize the will of the Kurdish people. Let them look at the history of the Kurds; Bahçeli and Erdoğan will leave, but the Kurds will still be here, as they have been for centuries. We will defeat their system with our will and power. Their oppression will definitely end. Because their end has come. There will be no peace for Turkey and no war for the Kurds. As long as their policies here continue, there will be no peace there either. We will resist to put an end to these plunderers."   HATIMOSONS: THIS IS A POLITICAL COUP   Stating that there is a political coup, Hatimoğulları said: "Our co-mayor of Wan is being detained and a trustee is unofficially appointed in his place. First, a trustee is appointed, and law enforcement forces surround the municipality. The Minister of Internal Affairs sends the trustee document later. This is an indication that the gang rules the state. Dear people of Turkey; They mislead you and make various statements. Our co-mayor is now being detained pending trial over a case filed against him in 2014. They are keeping the case file, which was opened in 2014, on hold until Mehmet becomes the co-mayor. This is what happens legally; The investigation is first opened and its process is followed. The mayor cannot be removed from office until the final decision, that is, until all legal processes are completed and the final decision is announced. As a result, if the mayor is convicted, a new mayor is elected from that city's municipal council instead. However, before they complete all these steps and even before the paper appointing the trustee arrives, the police take control of the municipality. These are the AKP's way of governing this country. This is called fascism, a coup."   'WE REJECT GANG LAW'   Stating that the Kurds are not given the right to vote and be elected, Hatimoğulları said: "The AKP government appointed trustees and said, 'You do not have the right to vote and be elected. You are not citizen of this country.' Today, Bahçeli comes out and criticizes the DEM Party. He congratulates the Minister of Internal Affairs. His gangs celebrate those like him. We never accept this. We reject gang law. Democracy will win in this country, the people will win, the law will win, freedoms will win. We will win. The people will win. Appointing a trustee to Hakkari today does not mean appointing a trustee only to the political will of the Kurds. It means that a trustee has been appointed to Turkish democracy and the local government law. All democratic forces must take the strongest stance together against this trustee mentality."   Hatimoğulları stated that the AKP appointed trustees in order to give away the resources of the municipality to its supporters and said: "We will resist, we will resist the trustee mentality together with all the people of Turkey, the oppressed and exploited in Turkey, those who want justice, and those who want Turkey to be governed democratically. They should not think that they, together with its junior partner sitting in the Palace, will mortgage the will of the Kurdish people from the Palace. They tried to steal the Hilvan elections from us again by burning ballot boxes using gang-like methods. They canceled the elections even though we won. The difference increased from 500 to 3 thousand. What does this mean? This means that if you try to usurp the will of the people, the people will respond to you in the strongest possible way. Those who resist shoulder to shoulder against fascism will win."