Peace Mothers want to hear from Abdullah Öcalan 2024-05-15 11:13:44 BEDLÎS - Reacting to the absolute isolation imposed on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, Peace Mothers demanded that the serious violation of rights be ended and the demands of the prisoners in action be met.   There has been no news from PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, Ömer Hayri Konar, Hamili Yıldırım and Veysi Aktaş, who are held in Imrali Type F High Security Closed Prison, for 38 months. Reacting to the absolute isolation, members of the Tetwan (Tatvan-Kurdistan) Peace Mothers Assembly demanded the physical freedom of Abdullah Öcalan.   'LET THE VIOLATION STOP'   Peace Mother Gülbahar Kılıç said: “Mr. Öcalan must be released. Prisoners have been protesting for months due to the conditions imposed on Mr. Öcalan. For years, Mr. Öcalan has been insisting on peace, and they have been insisting on war. Nowhere can be achieved through war, and even if it continues for another century, the place to come is at the peace table."    Pointing out that PKK Leader Öcalan has not been allowed to meet with either his lawyers or his family for 38 months, Kılıç said: "If European states are talking about human rights, then they should say 'stop' to this serious violation of rights against Mr. Öcalan and raise their voices. This silence is unacceptable. We want there to be peace. None of the problems of this country can be solved unless Mr. Öcalan is free. Neither peace nor democracy will come to this country."    'HEALTH CONDITIONS ARE GETTING SERIOUS'   Gülperi İlbasan said, “I condemn the isolation that started with Mr. Öcalan and spread to all prisons. There has been no news from Mr. Öcalan for 38 months. We need to raise our voice in front of the Parliament against what is being done. We say 'enough is enough' to the brutality against the Kurds. It is an unprecedented situation in the world that a person is not allowed to meet with either his family or his lawyers for 38 months. Mothers' lungs hurt every day. We are not happy even on Mother's Day. We have been deprived of this happiness. Our ill prisoners are not well cared for in prisons and their health conditions are getting worse day by day."   'OUR SILENCE CAUSES DEATHS'   Pointing out that the prisoners have been protesting in the prison for months, İlbasan said: “The protests are not something that can happen with a certain province or a few people. First of all, the people of four parts of Kurdistan must be sensitive to this. If we had made a noise in the first month when there was no news from Mr. Öcalan, the isolation would not have come to this point. For this, there must be great ownership and no one should remain silent. Our silence causes deaths. Since we have raised our voices and say we do not bow down, then we must bring these actions to fruition."