Doğan: The Kobanê Conspiracy Case decision will be important 2024-05-10 13:44:24   ANKARA - DEM Party Spokesperson Ayşegül Doğan emphasized that the new constitution should be democratic and civil and said that the decision to be made in the Kobanê Case will be important at this point.   People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Spokesperson Ayşegül Doğan evaluated the current developments at the press conference she held at her party's headquarters. Starting her speech by commemorating journalist Celal Giriş, Doğan touched upon the agenda of her party's Central Executive Board (MYK). Doğan pointed out that a city was blockaded during the May 1 rally and dozens of people who participated in the May 1 rally were detained and arrested.   CURNÊ REŞ ELECTIONS   Reminding that there will be new elections in Curnê Reş (Hilvan) district of Riha (Urfa-Sotuheast of Turkey-Kurdistan) on June 2, "We started the elections 2 days ago. I would like to remind those who say that the elections took place under democratic and fair conditions, the process in Hilvan. On the night of March 31, ballot papers were first burned in Hilvan district. Then the ballot box officials were beaten. So much so that an investigation was launched by the Hilvan Chief Public Prosecutor's Office. One of the 7 people arrested within the scope of the investigation was a member of the AKP's district election board. Despite all this, the data flow regarding the burned ballot papers and the beaten ballot box officials stopped for a while. DEM Party won the elections in Hilvan with a difference of 521 votes. But an election we won is being repeated. Now they want to remove Hilvan from the DEM Party through a conspiracy. By increasing the difference of 521 votes in the strongest way possible to protect all Hilvan against their usurped rights and will; We call on them to support us on June 2." Doğan said.    BÊRECÛK ATTACK   Drawing attention to the attacks on the party building in Bêrecûk (Birecik) district, "Meanwhile, those who watched the usurpation of rights in Hilvan maintain their silence against the armed attack on our Birecik district building. As I said at the beginning, those who are responsible for the possible events that may happen in Birecik are those who turn a blind eye to all these events, those who stand by, those who do not choose, and those who are partners." Doğan said.     CONSTITUTIONAL DISCUSSIONS   Doğan continued: "On the other hand, constitutional discussions continue. We are talking about a party tradition that has been struggling for a civilian constitution, a democratic constitution, a new constitution for decades. So, is it enough for the constitution to be only civilian? No, it is not. It must also be new and democratic. The constitution must have the characteristics of a social contract. Our party attaches great importance to the ways and methods to be used in a new and democratic civil constitution so that it is based on social consensus and has the characteristics of a social contract.   THE KOBANÊ CASE DECISION WILL BE IMPORTANT   For the Constitution to be truly new, it must show that it has completely abandoned the old. One of the most important indicators of this is the Kobanê Conspiracy Case, which will be heard on May 16. Therefore, the decision in the Kobanê Conspiracy Case to be heard on May 16 will be important. We once again call for public awareness. Discussions on normalization and softening in politics were one of the agendas of our Central Executive Board. There can be no real and genuine normalization or softening by excluding the oppressed peoples, different identities, languages and beliefs living in Turkey."