Berwari: This war will be the defeat of the AKP 2024-05-04 10:11:44 NEWS CENTER - Academician Kamuran Berwarî emphasized that AKP Chair and President Erdogan will fail in his goals for Kurdish gains.   The echoes of the visits made by AKP Chair and President Tayyip Erdogan to Iraq and the Federated Kurdistan Region on April 22 continue. Following the talks, attacks on the Metina region were expanded, and it was stated that Iraq started the construction of a military base in Zaxo. Doctor Kamuran Berwarî, Vice President of the Academy of Democracy and Politics, evaluated the visits and the developments that followed.   (Dr. Kamuran Berwarî)     'KURDISH GAINS ARE THE TARGET'   Berwari pointed out that Iraqi soldiers' start to build military bases on the Zaxo border could be a "major preparation for war". Berwarî said: "Iraq has had no control over Southern Kurdistan for 33 years. Behdînan, Suleymaniye and Zaxo regions were governed by local governments. But now the arrival of the Iraqi state and the establishment of bases are related to regional, political and international relations. Preparations are being made for a comprehensive and strategic war. Iraq is also in and a part of this project. Iraq wants to take the Southern Kurdistan Region under its control again."   Stating that the partnership between Turkey and Iraq will not be successful, Berwari said: "Turkey was left out of energy projects. That's why we see that this war is an economic war. An economic war is being waged with China, Iran and Russia against the USA and Europe. Turkey was deprived of both of these strategic plans. Therefore, Turkey now wants an economic and water war through a strategic route from the Persian Gulf, Ankara and Istanbul. Even if Middle Eastern countries and Iraq gave the green light to Erdogan, this is to destroy Kurdish national interests and destroy the gains made in Shengal, Maxmur, Rojava, Bakur, Bashur and Rojhilat. This too will fail, as was seen under Saddam Hussein. Just as Saddam Hussein lost, Erdogan will also lose. Undoubtedly, this war will be the defeat of Erdogan and his party."   'KDP IS DIGING ITS GRAVE'   Stating that the construction of a military base in Zaxo poses a great threat to the status of the Federated Kurdistan Region, Berwari said: "This plan is a genocide plan against the Kurds. Erdogan, Iraq and other Middle Eastern states think that this plan they have initiated for the political and military existence of the Kurds can be easily implemented, but they are wrong. The Kurds have been fighting against these attacks for 40 years. These 26 agreements signed by Iraq and Turkey show that there is no need for Southern Kurdistan. However, the government of the Federated Kurdistan Region is digging its own grave and has become a part of this project."   'THIS CONSPIRACY STARTED WITH ÖCALAN'   Berwarî said that the goal of eliminating the gains of the Kurds started with the 1999 international conspiracy against PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan and continued: "This plan is a continuation of the conspiracy against Öcalan that started at the international level in 1998-1999. The conspiracy against Öcalan was the first step of the conspiracy against the existence of Kurdistan. Therefore, it would not be right to consider this plan separately. In general, there are preparations for war against the will of the Kurds in Rojava and Shengal. But the Kurds are not the people of 30-40 years ago."