House raids in Mêrdîn and Izmir: Director Kesik detained 2024-05-03 11:33:57   MÊRDÎN/İZMİR - 1 person was detained in the house raids in Nisêbîn. In Izmir, Koray Kesik, the art director of the Bakur documentary, was detained.   Three houses were raided in the morning in the Marîn rural neighborhood of Mêrdîn's Nisêbîn (Nusaybin) district. Abdurrahim Dayan was detained during the house raids. It was learned that Dayan, whose reason for detention could not be learned, was taken to the District Gendarmerie Command.   On the other hand, students named Özgür Zirek and Nurullah Durmaz, who were detained in the house raids in Artuklu district yesterday, were referred to the courthouse after the security procedures.   IZMIR   Director Koray Kesik was detained as a result of a raid on the house where he was staying in Izmir. Director Kesik served as the cinematographer and art director for many films, including the Bakur documentary. Among the productions in which Kesik took part, there are documentaries such as "Revolutionary Youth Bridge" and "The Past is Not the Past".