DEM Party Youth Assembly: We will not bow to pressure 2024-02-14 17:35:33 ANKARA - Reacting to the detention of its members, DEM Party Youth Assembly made a statement: "We will not bow down to attacks."   The Executive Board of the People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Youth Assembly made a statement about the detention of young people in many cities. The statement said: "The AKP-MHP alliance continues its detention and oppression policies. The struggle of the youth is intended to be pacified with these systematically carried out attack policies."   'THE STRUGGLE WILL GROW'   In the statement, it was stated that 11 members of parliament in Amed and Êlih were detained in house raids and subjected to violence on the grounds that they participated in the "Freedom March". The statement said: "The government, which criminalizes the struggle of the youth and continues its systematic attacks, must know well that the youth will not bow to the pressures, but will expand their struggle. The policy of isolation, which has spread to the entire society of Kurdistan and Turkey, has become a situation that must be fought not only on the streets, but everywhere. Focusing on destroying all the gains of the Kurds, the government aims to further deepen the Kurdish issue, which has not been wanted to be solved for 45 years, by directing the society through possible war options. In order for the society to breathe and to put an end to the dirty policies of the government, the absolute isolation imposed on Mr. Abdullah Ocalan must be abolished. Mr. Abdullah Ocalan must regain his physical freedom as soon as possible.”   The statement also stated: "As the DEM Party Youth Assembly, we draw our strength from our history, our pioneers and our resistance. We will not bow down to attacks today, just as we did not bow down yesterday. We will continue our struggle until we win a democratic and free country."