Great Freedom March in Sêwereg 2024-02-14 14:40:37 RIHA - Freedom Marchers, who set out from Amed, arrived in Sêwereg. Politicians and non-governmental organizations representatives, who started the "Great Freedom March" for the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan and the democratic solution of the Kurdish issue reached the Sêwereg (Siverek) district of Riha. The marchers first visited the graves of Kurdish politician Ibrahim Ayhan, who died of a heart attack in the Federated Kurdistan Region in 2018, and Mahmut Zengin, who set his body on fire in Prison No. 5.   AYHAN AND ZENGIN REMEMBERED   Speaking at the commemoration, DEM Party Deputy Sezai Temelli said: "İbrahim Ayhan was a very important person in this struggle. What he went through reminded us what kind of a country of oppression and violence this country is. We will not forget what was done to him. He was deprived of his membership as a member of parliament with a fabricated decision. He also wanted the isolation to be abolished. Those who imposed isolation and denial on this country cost him his life. Many people, like Nice Ibrahim Ayhan, lost their lives this way. We are marching for freedom to prevent this from happening. If there is isolation, there is no law and democracy. The isolation imposed on Mr. Ocalan is actually applied to the people of the Middle East.”   The marchers then visited Mahmut Zengin's grave. Many people welcomed the marchers at the entrance of the cemetery with the slogan "Şehîd namirin (Martyrs are immortal)” DEM Party Deputy Saliha Aydeniz said: "The Four said, 'Don't extinguish the fire, fuel it.' This fire has grown for 42 years and the freedom of the Kurds is at an unstoppable stage. Everyone must know that this fire will lead us to freedom and peace."   Carnations were left at the cemetery in commemoration. Freedom Marchers then marched to the DEM Party district building with slogans. Despite the rain, many people supported the march with applause and slogans.   ‘THERE IS FREEDOM AT THE END'   Speaking in front of the DEM district building, DBP Co-Chair Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar said: “There is freedom for all of us at the end of this march. The isolation imposed in this country mortgages Turkey's future. We call out to those who impose the Kurdish issue on us and deny our language and identity; There is a reality of Mr. Ocalan saying 'I can solve this problem in a week'. This appeal is also to the state and all circles that want to establish a new life. We are marching to resolve the legitimate demands of the Kurds, who do not give up their language and identity, in a democratic way. We are marching for the freedom of Mr. Abdullah Ocalan. In the dark atmosphere that the country is drifting into, those who pit peoples and beliefs against each other in the country know our struggle the most. This march will belong to all of us, and this freedom will belong to all of us. We will win.”   The march ended with the slogan "Bimre koletî, bijî azadî (Down with colonialism, long live freedom)”. Marchers set out towards Hilvan district, which is the next route.