Lawyer Demir: Abdullah Ocalan's paradigm give hope to oppressed peoples 2024-02-14 12:45:54 WAN - Stating that Abdullah Ocalan frustrated the conspiracy with his resistance in Imralı, lawyer Cemal Demir said: "Ocalan's paradigm has become hope for the oppressed and exploited peoples."  The international conspiracy, which started with PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan's removal from Syria on October 9, 1998 and brought him to Turkey on February 15, 1999, has entered its 26th year. Abdullah Ocalan, who is placed in severe isolation conditions in İmralı Type F High Security Prison, revealed all aspects of the conspiracy, including the role of global powers. Lawyer Cemal Demir, a member of the Wan Branch of the Association of Lawyers for Freedom (ÖHD), who met with Abdullah Ocalan on İmralı Island 7 times between 2008 and 2011, made evaluations about the purposes and results of the conspiracy.   'THE LAW HAS BEEN DISREGARDED'   Stating that the NATO-Gladio structure was at the center of the international conspiracy and that it was carried out with the cooperation of a combined international force, including the USA and the UK, Demir said: "It was revealed in the following processes that especially Israeli and US intelligence had important roles in these processes. Similar methods were used in the legal processes after Mr. Ocalan was captured through an international piracy collaboration. Universal law, European law, human rights law were virtually disregarded. Fundamental human rights to apply for asylum and to be tried by an independent international judicial authority were ignored. He was left to the mercy of the judiciary of the Republic of Turkey, which is a part and party of the war in Kurdistan. Thus, the international community and law created a historical scandal.”   ABDULLAH OCALAN'S IMRALI RESISTANCE   Focusing on the objectives of the conspiracy, Demir said: "In this war, which was formed by the people defending NATO against the people's demands for freedom, equality and democracy, the aim of the conspiracy was, of course, to deepen the war in Kurdistan in the context of Kurdish, Turkish, Arab and Persian relations and to prevent the democratic solution of the problem.  Due to the conditions of the period, international colonial powers took an attitude in this direction. As it is known and history has witnessed, Ocalan's resistance in Imralı Prison frustrated this conspiracy.”   ‘ISOLATION HAS BECOME INSTITUTIONALIZED IN IMRALI'   Referring to the isolation system maintained on Imralı Island, where Abdullah Ocalan is held following the international conspiracy, Demir said: “Since Imralı Prison was built as a special project, from the beginning it was not legislation, but arbitrariness was the management style. This was also implemented in the form of isolation. The policy of isolation was institutionalized in the person of Mr. Ocalan along with the Imrali process. This issue is a part and basic philosophy of Turkish execution law. In Imralı, this policy, as a continuation of the international conspiracy, was further expanded and transformed into an absolute by giving it an inhumane content. However, isolation is a practice that violates the most basic human rights. It is an inhumane form of torture. For this reason, it is a practice that is not accepted in universal law.”   'THERE IS A POLITICAL MESSAGE IN ISOLATION'   Stating that the ImralI isolation system coincides with the purpose of the international conspiracy, Demir said: “Isolation and conspiracy are two intertwined and complementary concepts. Of course, isolation also has a political message. In fact, they want to silence the voice of the Kurd nation. Ocalan's national and international position and the values he represents have made an impact in the world. Many internationally important figures make statements on this point. World-famous sociologist and philosopher Slavoj Zizek, American philosopher, historian and linguist Noam Chomsky and others have been making statements about the conditions of Mr. Ocalan for years. They take part in some campaigns. Even the former representative of the CPT, which has become a part of the Imralı system, made important statements recently.”   'PARADIGMA GIVE HOPE TO THE PEOPLE'   Stating that Abdullah Ocalan developed the Democratic Modernity paradigm despite the severe isolation conditions, Demir said: "While Ocalan was dealing with the Kurdish and Kurdistan issue, he actually set out from the historical context of the problem with the paradigm and civilization analysis he developed, and the need to address all historical and current national and social issues in the world. In fact, this issue has been inherited from the history of humanity with colonialist and male-dominated states. Ocalan attracted the attention of all democratic circles when he demonstrated that the freedom of societies will develop in a peaceful environment based on democratic values and respect for nature, and that women's freedom is possible as a part of the freedom of society. This paradigm has give hope to the more oppressed and exploited peoples. Because these are the people who were oppressed the most by the dominant capitalist colonial system.”   'MUST BE STRONGER AGAINST ISOLATION'   Emphasizing that a stronger support against the Imralı isolation system must be shown, Demir continued as follows: “There has been an ongoing hunger strike in the prisons of Kurdistan and Turkey demanding the end of absolute isolation and a democratic political solution to the Kurdish issue. Likewise, there are Justice Watch of Peace Mothers. The purpose of all these protests, actions and activities is, of course, to end the isolation imposed on Mr. Ocalan, who is the voice and breath of the Kurdish people. The whole world has seen the place and value of Ocalan's statements, comments, predictions and solution perspectives on Kurdish, Kurdistan, Middle East and even world issues. In this context, it demonstrated that it has a very broad capacity during the Imrali resistance process. For this reason, the international capitalist colonial understanding and the institutions and states that represent this understanding do not speak out against isolation. Kurds, their supporters, democratic circles and institutions are in a state of intifada all over the world.”   MA / Hakan Yalçın