Qers branch is in Êlih: The Kurds exist with their values, and that value is Öcalan 2024-02-12 15:55:31   ÊLIH - The Qers branch of the Great Freedom March was welcomed in Êlih with the banner "We are marching for freedom where the sun does not set and the flowers do not fade." Speaking here, DEM Party Deputy Cengiz Çiçek said: “The Kurds exist and will exist with their own values. This value is Mr. Abdullah Öcalan. This march is for a solution to the Kurdish issue and freedom for Mr. Abdullah Öcalan.”   The "Great Freedom March", which has been going on for 12 days with the participation of politicians and administrators of non-government organizations for the freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and the democratic solution of the Kurdish issue, is approaching its finale. The Qers branch, which will be in Amed tomorrow, was in Elih today. The marchers were welcomed with great enthusiasm at the Kıra Mountain location at the entrance of the city. The people welcomed the Freedom Marchers with flowers, lit torches and set off fireworks.     The sound of drums, zurna and erbane never stopped at the welcome, where banners were opened: "We are marching to freedom where the sun does not set and flowers do not fade" and "Roj bilind dipe, Kurdistan azad dipe" (The sun is rising, Kurdistan is liberated). The crowd danced to the accompaniment of Kurdish songs and frequently chanted slogans such as "Bijî berxwedana zindana (Long live resistance of dungeons)" and "Bijî Serok Apo (Long live Leader Apo)". The welcome ended with 75 white balloons released into the air for PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan's physical freedom. After the welcome, the crowd went to the city center with a convoy.         'THIS MARCH IS FOR THE FREEDOM OF MR. ÖCALAN'   Speaking here, HDK Co-Speaker and DEM Party Deputy Cengiz Çiçek said: “Kurds and revolutionaries have a dream. The Kurds exist and will exist with their own values. This value is Mr. Abdullah Öcalan. This march is for a solution to the Kurdish issue and freedom for Mr. Abdullah Öcalan. We have not heard from İmralı for 3 years. We call out to those who say that this state is a state of law; This march is a march for justice. The Kurds want justice and want respect for their values in these lands. Everywhere in Kurdistan is full of trustees and mass graves. We are calling out to the centuries-old status quo, denialists and assimilationists. We have an identity and dignity. Friends and enemies must know that we will not give up our honor. This march is also a freedom march. It is a march to send all kinds of denialist systems to the wastebasket of history. This march is the march of Kemal Pir who said: “We love life enough to die for it, despite the assimilated people," and the march of Hayri Durmuş. This is the march of truth. This march is the march of Sakine Cansız, Aysel Doğan. We thank everyone who supported this march.”   Stating that the lands of Kurdistan are the bastions of resistance, not oppression, Çiçek said: “The lands of Kurdistan will be the lands of freedom and equality. This march is to expand the struggle for democracy, this march is to expel the trustees on March 31. This walk is not the end, it is a start. We have been on a march against fascism for decades. We will continue this march in thousands and tens of thousands until Mr. Öcalan regains his physical freedom and Kurdistan gains its status. It is the people of Kurdistan who resist for victory.”